With a background in permaculture and horticulture, artist Landon Newton engages in historical research to create work that asks the audience to reconsider our relationship with plants in which ecology, reciprocity and circular thinking, are critical frameworks. In this talk we participants will discuss if and how interdependence and mending are related, hidden and underappreciated systems of care, and what plants, including what we deem as weeds and invasive species, can teach us.


Speaker Bio

Landon Newton is an artist, gardener, and independent researcher based in New York City. Her interdisciplinary practice considers the reciprocal relationships between plants and people. Landon has received numerous awards including the Socrates Annual Fellowship, LMCC Artist-in-Residence at Governors Island, and On Our Radar 2021, Creative Capital. Her work has been exhibited at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Frieze New York, and Queens Museum among others. Landon’s ongoing and collaborative project The Abortion Herb Garden explores the history and use of abortifacient, emmenagogic, and contraceptive herbs animated through site-specific installations, workshops, and publications.