With James Bridle, Michael Marder (UPV/EHU), Laura Tripaldi (NYU Shanghai), Anna Tsing (UC Santa Cruz)
Interventions by Catherine Griffiths (GSAPP, Catherine Griffiths), Marina Otero (GSAPP), Lindy Roy (GSAPP, Roy Projects), Anthony Vanky (GSAPP), Michael Wang (GSAPP)
The ACTIONING SUMMITS are an unprecedented effort to affirm how architecture, planning, development, and preservation are anticipating desirable and alternative futures. During a period of eight months, these summits will convene activists, architects, artists, designers, developers, ethnographers, historians, planners, policymakers, politicians, thinkers, and community organizers from around the world to address together eight crucial methodological shifts in the way the disciplines of the built environment operate and collaborate with each other.
The summits will offer a space and opportunity to situate specialized knowledge within specific histories and contexts. During the ACTIONING SUMMITS, participants will discuss a concrete methodological shift elaborated through the tools, practices, protocols, and forms of engagement that have unfolded as part of specific projects or processes they have actively participated in.