A 4-week exploration and reflection of one’s own dreams, learning how to interface with them in waking life, and output as a collaborative zine of a collective subconscious.
Dream Work will develop foundational techniques for tracking, understanding, and analyzing our dreams. We will study foundational literature such as the analytic works of C. G. Jung, Dreams to help us tap into our natural abilities to dream deeply and lucidly, and interface with dreams as a divinatory practice, a method of introspection to foretell the future or discover hidden knowledge. Additionally, we will learn the unique language of dreams as it appears in spiritual and psychoanalytical practice, and strengthen our abilities to consistently enter the dream world through guided exercises conducted in-class and at home. Through meditation, free-association, and journalling, participants will be asked to identify and map the landscapes, characters, and moods of our individual psyches in the safe space of our classroom and at-home coursework.
Participants will co-create a zine that catalogues our dreams, with the shared goal of building a living, creative archive of a collective subconscious of those who partake in the course. In doing so, our class will mirror the dream world itself: recognizable and communal, but creatively individualized. The final zine will be assembled and disseminated by Jillian.
Learning Outcomes
-Hone intuition and spiritual clarity
-Unearth and befriend subconscious feelings and motivations
-Cultivate loving self-confidence and self-knowledge
-Develop a centered journalling practice
-Publish a zine to add to your creative portfolio