We are living in times that require us to grieve, resist & speak forward. Dreaming is a part of the everyday. It is how we memory keep—shape questions. How can we support the body in this work & offer it rest?

Through writing and plant communing, participants will take time to slow down. The group will work with plants at the farm and soak in the water around to carry home. Through writing exercises and dream recall, participants will allow the body to stand still and breathe. Participants will have the option to take home either a dream tincture blend or tea blend.

Dreaming is imagining, living, surviving to see more, is resistance and rest. We work together to nurture our surroundings and selves to offer openness for seeing into this moment.

alma (they/them/elle) is a trans herbalist, landworker and poet from northern New Mexico. They have resided in NYC going on 9 years and are forever committed to making connections between land being, surviving and dreaming. Their practice emerges from Audre Lorde’s question, “What words do we not have yet?,” and Natalie Diaz’s assertion that “the answer is Palestine.” They are committed to thinking and making work as survival.