Applications for the full Food and Art Alternative M.A. are now closed. However, you can still sign up for online access only until September 15th.
This Alternative M.A. pursues the reconceptualisation of the world through food, reframing a food-scape reality where to develop an artistic practice. This programme is built on a desire to explore, learn and relate to food as a valid discipline in the arts, academia and other educational contexts. The M.A. departs from an understanding of food as foundational, the essential part of any world-building exercise. Through it, The Gram Ounce aims to establish food and cooking as inherent signifiers of human culture. Seeing-through-food is crucial because food and its systems build the current ecological terraforming.
Through a series of lectures, residencies, practical exercises and projects, The Gram Ounce will pursue interdisciplinary modes of knowledge sharing and exchange, while fostering opportunities for sustained growth and collective thinking. They aim to create an atmosphere of trust and safety, in order to help form a tight knit community of critically engaged, curious and rooted thinkers and makers. Joining this M.A. means to enter into a cosmos of continued support, generosity and care, well beyond the end of the learning year.