The results of the second annual Future Food Design Award are in! From a pool of 50 international entrants, three finalists have been chosen to participate in the final round of award consideration. The jury prize winner will receive 5,000 Euros and an audience award winner will take home 2,500 Euros. Here’s your chance to support the work of one of the three finalists by casting your vote:

0.9 Grams of Brass by Adelaide Lala Tam

A critique of the opaque workings of the meat industry, Adelaide Lala Tam’s project refashions the remaining cartridge case from the process of slaughtering cattle for beef production using stun guns. By transforming the 0.9 grams of brass that constitutes the casing into a brass paperclip and selling it through a vending machine, Tam has created a daily reminder of the price of meat consumption while challenging notions of the value of animal life vs. the price of mass consumption.

Atoma by Alexandra Genis
ATOMA is the future of the spice cabinet. Alexandra Genis dives into the secretive world of flavorists and challenges notions of “natural” and “synthetic” by crafting a set of 24 “spices” derived from industrial flavor molecules cast into their molecular shapes. By fixing designed flavors in a cocoa butter base, diners can shave these spices over their foods or combine them with other spices to create experimental flavor combinations. By confronting diners with the science of flavor—a set of more than 2000 molecules are used to design the flavors we experience ever day—Genis hopes to “demystify industry while also preparing consumers for future scenarios of limited resources.”

Tiger Penis Project by Kuang-Yi Ku
The future of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) could be synthetic. Kuang-Yi Ku proposes that by synthesizing and hybridizing highly valuable animal parts used in TCM, patients and practitioners can reap the health benefits while contributing to conservation efforts of endangered animals. Tiger Penis is typically associated with virility and by crafting artificial animal parts, the project hopes to reconcile conflicts between health, culture, conservation and human need.

VOTE for the Audience Award winner today and help one of these projects receive a 2,500 Euro award to continue their work. Winners will be announced during Dutch Design Week on October 26th at a special event hosted by the Future Food Design Awards.