In anticipation of the release of our 6th and final print issue early Summer, here’s a collection of three upcoming events to whet your appetite for soil-related content. Most notable is the global scope of these events, instigated by organizations and individuals working across time zones and borders.

SOIL SISTERS Public Lecture / January 31 @ 11AM EST
As part of Yale’s Center for Ecosystems in Architecture, Soil Sisters is an intersectoral material design framework for soil health taught by MOLD friend and contributor Mae-ling Lokko and Anna Dyson. Their second public lecture kicks off tomorrow with a focus on the work of Ecolibri, a community-driven nonprofit organization that has partnered with indigenous communities on Lake Atitlán in Guatemala since 2004. Ecolibri’s successful projects support the local economy with textile design and production, sustainable farming methods, and creating construction materials with upcycled agricultural waste. Attend the public lecture on Tuesday, here.
SOIL ASSEMBLY Symposium / February 1-5 / Kochi-Muziris Biennial
Organized by curators Maya Minder (who we collaborated with for the Paris editions of Solstice Kitchen), Amitabh Kumar, Neal White and Meena Vari, this five-day online and in-person event will knit together the diverse practices of educators, designers, activists and farmers to discuss, “a humanistic/biodiverse/holistic approach within notions of food growing practices, more-than-human correlations in these practices and life, as well as the freedom of movement for plants, animals, humans, algae, fungi and seeds.”
SCHOOL OF SOIL FUTURES OPEN CALL / Deadline: Midnight GMT on February 12 / 7 WIB on February 13
Part of the year-long Soil Futures project organized by Struggles for Sovereignty (ID), RIWAQ (Palestine), Sakiya (Palestine), Vessel Art Project (IT) and Arts Catalyst (UK), the School of Soil Futures is a 6-part online conversation led by practitioners from around the world, including MOLD friend and contributor Vivien Sansour. They’ve opened the call for participants in the school—which kicks off on March 4th. From the website:
The School of Soil Futures sees soil as friend and kin, as a dynamic living being or network of beings, with whom we want to work in solidarity to better understand what ecologically just ways of inhabiting the earth there might be in diverse territories. Through the School we hope to nurture an exchange of situated practices among those who look after and care for soils. This will encompass a multiplicity of perspectives and relations: from the microbiological dimension to land-based practices, from acts of reparation and healing, to modes of resistance and storytelling.
Apply by February 12 GMT for consideration.