MOLD Issue 06 Editor’s Note

We are living in portal times. We are birthing new worlds. In our final print issue of MOLD, we return to the microbial scale by focusing on designing new earths on this Earth: to spark new imaginaries, forge new relationships, and most importantly, ground ourselves in the soil. 

We engage with soil every time we eat. In a conversation with Evan Kleinman on the Good Food podcast, the agronomist and World Food Prize laureate Dr. Rattan Lal reminds us that soil is a living entity and “the only place in the universe…that has the divine power to convert death into life.” Taking this as a starting point, we believe that by reimagining our extractive relationship with the Earth’s soil to one where we treat it as a living, dynamic entity, we have an opportunity to cultivate an interspecies consciousness that will center on living cycles and prepare us to bring forth new ways of being.  Continue reading…

How ferments might foment us

It is believed that fermentation was the first metabolic act.1 If fermenting organisms took the first bite, they’ve had a seat at the evolutionary table longer than our blip of a species can even comprehend. So why does society seek to sanitise itself of them? Across viruses, bacteria and fungi,…
