

Editor's Note
Metabolic Systems
an abstract, multicolored fire of red, yellow, orange, purple sparks and burns across a black background.
An image showing a book with post it notes poking out of the side. There is an illustration of an acorn with a pencil to the side of the book.
Two rocks, vacuum sealed together in a coating of plastic sit amongst green plants.
A woman wearing a white shirt stands in front of shelving units with a a sewing machine and spools of yarn.
Acorns and corn kernels sit on a mirrored tray set in a bed of leaves of weeds.
A minimalist collage of of an interior space.
A digital drawing of several buildings framed by flowering vines.
A bundle of fruits coated in olive-colored wax sits next to another yellow beeswax-coated mound which sits on a bed of crushed ice. They are presented on a reflective silver platter found amongst lush greenery.
A metal box containing beeswax sculptures that form curlicues lies in a bed of long grasses.
Editor's Note
Health. Food.
Three angular beeswax figures sit on rock-flecked sand.
Preserved lemon cut in half sits atop a green aluminum can on its side, the whole of the objects are layered in melted beeswax that has since dried.
A puddle of beige clay with terracotta clay shards in it sits on tambarked ground. There are grasses around the perimeter of the clay
On a white table cloth there are five sets of bread sculptures. In each set there are three of the same shape. Of the five shapes there is a wand-like shape, a twisted snack, a stick, small disfigured cones, and knots. The table cloth is set ouside against the hint of a verdant forest background.
A photo collage on a beige background that includes an elderly couple holding trash bags, the stone face of an ancient roman statue, a palm tree blowing in the wind, and an oyster with a pearl in it.
An illustration of an aztec garden structure, with an aztec pyramid at the top and a field of corn at the bottom.
An aerial image of a methane processing plant.
metal forks and spoons woven together on a green background.
An illustrated, wheelchair-bound figure is constrained in a box set on an ombre black-to-blue background. The corner of a white bowl sits in the upper left hand corner.
A blue and white sign with OPEN written in all black capitalized letters hangs in the window of a glass door, the sign is made of rhinestones.
Editor's Note
Work in Progress
Various objects and imagery (including stone sculptures of female nudes, a crushed plastic water bottle, a three-legged chair made of harvested ocean plastics, disembodied hands pouring a tiny jug of water, and an image of a lush forest landscape) collaged onto a sparse perspectival line drawing on an off-white background.
A hyperrealistic explosion of fire hued blades, floats and stems of a frond of seaweedoccupies the entire frame of the image.
Various objects and imagery (including stone sculptures of female nudes, a plastic bag with mushrooms growing from it, a cake and pile of seaweed set on top of a patch of grass, and a picture of molten lava flowing in a black landscape) collaged onto a sparse perspectival line drawing on an off-white background.
Editor's Note
Editor's Note
Urban Ecologies